M-G: 2.2.11 // A Salt-less Christian, Matthew 5:13

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In the wake of the beatitudes, Jesus told his disciples that you are the salt of the earth, but if salt loses its saltiness, it will never be salty again. It is of no value to anyone and thrown out for people to trample upon.

Salt is one of the metaphors of kingdom influence. Salt adds flavor, causes thirst, and acts as a preservative. Are we being tasteful in our living that others hunger for Christ? Are we causing others to seek the water of life? Are we an active agent against the decaying values of the world around us? A saltless Christian has zero influence for the kingdom in a world at war with God. 

“Ever so many people who never read the Bible are constantly reading us! If in our conduct we are untrue to our calling our words will avail very little” (Baker’s New Testament Commentary). <><