M-G: 9.26.21 // Baited, Genesis 3:6, Part 4 of 6

With the fall, came the anticipated (on Adam’s part) and the unanticipated (on the part of both) consequences from violating the one and only prohibition from Yahweh (Gn 2:16-17). Yahweh could not have been any clearer by His words; the one forbiddance was salient and severe. We would have thought that the very first mention of death in the prohibition would have provided, the father and mother of us all, an adequate deterrent in violating God’s will?

It also advises that the Creator was taking the infraction of this prohibition very seriously. The penalty in and of itself suggests that there were other unknown ramifications to them but not to Yahweh to warrant the severity of violating His one, “Don’t do it! You might ask yourself, “What were they thinking?” But consider this; you would think that spending an eternity, not just for a day, a week, a month, or year, but forever without reprieve in a fiery lake would deter unbelief today, right? For some (Mt 7:14), yes, for the majority, no (cf. Mt 7:13).

The outcomes of the garden couples actions were colossal in scope, and we are still experiencing the effect of them today! Our Creator doesn’t have to give us a breakdown on all of the unknown variables resulting from our stupidity so that we can conveniently have at our fingertips the data to weigh out our options whether it is worth sinning against Yahweh or not!

We are all about options and entitlements today, yes? Yahweh really doesn’t have to explain Himself at all. The fact that He warned Adam (as He does with us on so many things in His Word) was an act of love and grace – for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die (Gn 2:17). He could have simply said to Adam, “Don’t eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil!” And Yahweh would still have been just!

Folks, the extreme expectations of options and entitlements are spreading like terminal cancer and are destroying all of the nations of the world slowly but surely; it is anti-Christ in nature. The global plague is socialism in all of its variant forms. The world is shaping up to receive one of its own, a beloved dark (false) messiah who will lead untold billions into darkness, death, and destruction. Thankfully, the Light of Hope is coming at any moment! The next great eschatological event is the rapture of the Church prior to this dark horse appearing on the scene, and he could very well be here, alive and well, and waiting in the wings…  

Whenever another creature, human or demon, contradicts the Word of God, you know he, she, or it is lying to you, provided you know it’s in opposition to the truth! The willful ignorance of believers still remains one of the greatest threats to Christianity today! The opposers of God will promise you the moon, but they will never deliver the goods because they have no authority to override the Creators will.

Though Adam was not deceived (1 Tim 2:14), he anticipated the backlash for violating the warning (Gn 2:16-17), but Eve was baited and bought into the lie of the serpent. And if that doesn’t beat all, Adam turned right around and heeded the voice of [his] your wife (Gn 3:17)! This is definitely a Rom 15:4 moment, yes? We simply need to take God at His Word because He will never lie to us (Titus 1:2), and everything that He does for us is for our good (Rom 8:28). Everything from our adversary and his allies is for our detriment.

The serpent baited Eve into believing that the fruit of this tree could help her reach her self-fulfillment goals, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil. This was not how she envisioned it! In her innocent state, she had been baited into listening to a creature over the Creator and basing the value of the fruit by its appearance. How often have we seen beauty being personified as truth and evil as ugly in appearance (cf. 2 Cor 11:14)? Appearances can be misleading, Eve!

After the chomp, what was once viewed as so good for food, pleasant to the eyes, and desirable to make wise, now the tree of the knowledge of good and evil looked to be bad for food, ugly to the eyes, and an undesirable tree that made one only to be foolish! The only thing it could provide was death by disobedience. The loss of innocence was graphic and appalling! This was not how she envisioned the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in her pre-fallen state, the first known tactic of bait and switch, right?   

There is nothing like a sin to reveal the ugliness of going against God’s Word! The real problem is that you and I can’t pull back the ripples or stop the consequences that were set in motion by willful disobedience once your eyes are opened to reality! Ripples are notifiers! As a boy growing up in South Florida, I loved to throw a rock in a placid pond. Once the rock was pitched, I couldn’t stop the ripples it created. Adam and Eve were forgiven as suggested by Gn 3:21, but the ripples are going to ripple the rest of their days and are still rippling today! If the soul that sins shall die doesn’t dissuade us, what will? I am going to suggest love (Deut 6:5-6; Josh 22:5; Jn 14:15). How about this warning from Jesus in John 8:24,

Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for if you do not believe that I am He, you will die in your sins.

Back to Genesis 2:17,

…you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die (Heb., muth,1). 

This clause found in the warning by Yahweh to Adam, for in the day you eat of it you shall surely dieGn 2:17) contains two different time frames: (1) immediately and (2) eventually. It is the only-made-known byproduct of eating the forbidden fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. How Adam understood the concept of death is beyond me. His brain being at full capacity prior to the Fall may give our finite brain some sort of clue? He was very intelligent (cf. Gn 2:20). Knowledge and wisdom are not one and the same. We can be knowledgeable and still unwise, but we cannot be wise apart from knowledge. Adam was the former.

To understand the two frames of time in this warning given to Adam, it is vital for us to understand the biblical meaning of death (Heb., maveth / Grk., thanatos). Death is never considered or treated as a finality of existence or self-awareness. Rather it is viewed as a separation, not an end to all things. We do not die like a dog, and that’s it, as some claim from a secular point of view! The Creator God designed us to live forever, odd as that is to say in this context – you shall surely die.

With the fall of man, there are only two eternal destinies: heaven or the lake of fire. It’s not predetermined; it’s a choice. Unbelief is the number one destroyer of souls in the lake of fire. The vast majority of the inhabitants of the earth will choose unbelief over God’s provision for salvation: Jesus Christ (cf. Mt 7:13).

The Scripture makes mention of three manifestations of death that came with the warning – you shall surely die: physical (Rom 5:12; Heb 9:27), spiritual (Eph 1:1-2, 4, 18), and eternal (aka, the second death, Rev 20:11-15). Physical death is where the soul and spirit are separated from the body. Spiritual death is where the soul and spirit are separated from God. Now, all, of those who are alive and who do not have the Holy Spirit, are in a temporal state of being spiritually separated from God. I was once spiritually dead or spiritually separated from God until receiving Yahweh’s provision for salvation on 1.19.1976.

The third manifestation of death is the worst of all, eternal death or the second death! Rom 6:23 speaks of both spiritual and eternal deaths. Literally, the paycheck for disobedience (wages of sin is death)! Should any person experience physical death while being spiritually separated from God, spiritual separation transitions from a temporary state to a permanent condition of being separated from God forever. In other words, they will experience eternal torment in the lake of fire, being physically and spiritually separated from God forever.

Currently, no one is in the lake of fire, angelic or human. The fiery lake was created for the devil and his angels (cf. Mt 25:41), man through unbelief elects to go there! What a vivid contrast to the eternal life given freely to all undeserving sinners (including us), as a free gift, who believe in His Son (Eph 2:8-9)! Selah.

All past, present, and future human inhabitants of the lake of fire are confined to a temporary cell in hell upon physical death until they are summoned to appear for their final sentencing at the great white throne judgment before the great Justice, Jesus Christ. As having no say so when we physically die (cf. Heb 9:27), the lost will have no say so on their final disposition into the fiery lake due to unbelief.

The sin of Adam and Eve were covered by the sacrifice provided by Yahweh Elohim (Gn 3:21), foreshadowing the divine provision for the perfect Lamb to come through the womb of a virgin (Mt 1:21). “The God of the Garden would one day become the God of Gethsemane” (borrowed). Mary’s Child would not cover sin any longer (cf. Heb 10, 14; Rom 3:25; 5:17; 1 Jn 2:2; 4:10) but remove the penalty of spiritual and eternal death (the second death, 1 Cor 15:55-57) forever to whoever believes in Him, and they will have and enjoy everlasting life with Him in glory (Jn 3:16)! Selah!

So, what are these time frames of immediately and eventually within the clause, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die? Adam and Eve spiritually died immediately; their soul and spirit were separated from God. Unlike us, they were not born sinners but now they are sinners by bad choices.

There was another instantaneous factor as a result of disobedience; the process of dying to die physically was immediate, too! This marks the genesis of time when sin entered the world through Adam (cf. Rom 5:12).

Since Adam and Eve did not physically die right there on the spot when they ate the forbidden fruit, the other time frame of dying to die is that they eventually died physically and were buried. Now, it was literally way down the road from our perspective when they went to their grave. It is unimaginable to us that Adam lived to a ripe old age of 930 years (Gn 5:5)! The oldest on record is Methuselah who lived to be 969 (Gn 5:27)! The members of the nine-hundred club were seven: Adam, Seth, Enosh, Cainan, Jared, Methuselah, and Noah. 

Read through the genealogy of Adam in Genesis 5, and note that nine times the clause appears, and he died. Compared to Adam’s lifespan, I am still in the crib sucking on my thumb! By our youthful-oriented pagan cultural standards, I am already a fossil, a useless relic taking up space and air! I resemble that remark! <><


1. Die (Heb., muth) is a root word occurring in Genesis 24x; it is also translated: died 32x, dying 3x, dead 12x in Genesis. Death (Heb., maveth), occurs 12x in Genesis, and it is derived from this root word muth

To Part 5