A young man was asked after
graduating from High School what his plans were for the future. He replied, “Go
to college.” And then what? “Get a job.” And then what? “Get married.” And then
what? “Buy a house and raise a family.” And then what? “Retire and enjoy my
grandchildren.” And then what? “Well, I guess I will die like everybody else?”
And then what?
He didn’t have an answer. For a
believer in Jesus Christ the answer to the final question, “And then what?” or the great next is living in the presence
of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit in heaven, not so for
the unbeliever! For those who do not have a personal and spiritual intimate
relationship with Jesus Christ, the answer to that question takes an ominous
and unavoidable negative turn to the nth degree with finality:
eternal separation from the presence of God the Father, God the Son, and God
the Holy Spirit upon physical death.
We are not sinners because we
sin; we sin because we are sinners (Rom 3:23; 5:12). The penalty for sin is eternal separation from God (Rom 6:23a),
but the great news is it doesn’t have to end that way! We can exercise our
freedom, right here right now, to choose to be rescued from death’s final resting place (the lake of fire, Rev 20:14-15, KJV) and
headed toward an opposite reality! The latter part of this verse in Romans
declares that “but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord”
(Rom 6:23b; cf. Jn 3:16).
Thank God there is an escape
from the inexorable forces of sin and death upon humanity! For those who
receive God’s offer through faith by calling upon the Lord [Jesus Christ] for
salvation (Rom 10:13; Eph 2:8-9), the
great next is eternal bliss in glory or heaven, which we call home who
believe in Jesus Christ as God’s one and only true Messiah (Acts 4:12). So,
what are your plans for the future? And then what? <><