From the chronicles of mankind, we can agree with an observation that mankind had, has, and will have trouble learning from the past. We have all heard of Pete and Repeat. Before branding this as a juvenile analogy, there can be no denying that Dumb and Dumber (metaphors of sinful humanity) have made an indelible imprint on the history of mankind by repeating the same stupid here or there over and over again.
In my writings, I have alluded several times to my history professor’s opinion on how man continues to handle history irresponsibly – “Man does not learn from history,” he stated. History is replete with this unwise behavior that handles history with contempt. Whatever spin we put on history, I am persuaded Repeat will follow Pete. “If Pete and Repeat were in a boat and Pete fell out, who was left in the boat?”
Evidence of Pete’s and Repeat’s handiwork is visible in biblical history, too. Concerning believers today, we are all guilty of Pete and Repeat behavior to some degree. Think of the revolving treatment of some pet sin that we pamper! You would think that we would learn that it doesn’t pay to disobey God, and yet, how often do we disobey Yahweh in the daily routine of living knowing right well it doesn’t pay to disobey God, yes?
How many times have we repeatedly asked Yahweh to forgive us for the same thing? For how long has this been going on? In this craziness, have you noticed this pattern of – I have sinned; I am chastened; I confessed and repented; I was restored to fellowship; I have sinned; I am chastened; etc? We got it down pat don’t we – the cyclical nature of sinning against God!?
It is similar to the blueprint that took place during the period of the Judges in Israel which kind of reflects a similar pattern: guilty of the sin of idol worship, persecution came, repentance of sin, a deliverer (a judge) was sent, and peace ensued. In time, they became guilty again of the sin of idolatry, and the whole process repeated itself nationally for over three centuries! It was a dark time in the history of Israel where divine blessings were scarce for sin dominated the scenery rather than a love for God. Everyone was doing what was right in his own eyes and ignoring the law of Moses (Jdg 21:25). God will not bless us when we are wrapped up in our narcissistic ways and ungodly lifestyles.
Finally, came the captivities to Israel and all of the bad stuff that came with not letting go of the sin of idolatry. Coddling pet idols was egregious to Yahweh’s holiness. It simply doesn’t pay to disobey Yahweh. BTW, idols are not limited to demons hiding behind deaf, dumb, and dead idols made of stone, wood, or metal; idolatry is anything that competes for the will of God for our lives! Selah.
Jeremiah warned Judah of the oncoming destruction if the nation did not repent of its evil ways! Sadly, ignoring or resisting Jeremiah’s prophecies on what was coming down the pike because of Judah’s addiction to rampant idolatry and immorality is what led to its destruction by the pagan Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar in 605 B.C., 597 B.C., and 586 B.C.
In 537 B.C., a Jewish remnant would be allowed to return to Jerusalem under the decree of King Cyrus of Persia. In all of the unfortunate, avoidable, chaotic, and destructive events due to Israel’s unfaithfulness to Yahweh, God remained faithful to His people; He judged them when they were disobedient (It doesn’t pay to disobey, right?), and He kept His promises!
Do you think that Pete and Repeat jokes are getting old? It’s like we can’t get rid of this dumb duo or in our case, sin and re-sin! Before dismissing the analogy, it really is no laughing matter when it comes to sin in our lives; perhaps we should be asking Yahweh if our disobedience to His will for our lives is getting old to Him from a human perspective?
And you are right if you think that Pete and Repeat are getting old, for such an evaluation is hypocritical if we don’t permanently pitch and ditch the pet sin/s, etc., yes!? Ah, back to the aggravating premise of my history professor, “Man doesn’t learn from history!” Again, people may attempt to ignore, delete, or rewrite a new version of history, but what they are doing in effect is erasing a wholesome future for themselves. We aren’t guilty of that; are we? Check these references out and consider the importance of biblical history to believers: Rom 15:4; 1 Cor 9:9-10; 10:11; 2 Tim 3:16-17; 2 Pet 1:20-21.
To the lost and carnal hearts, jokes and joking about sin and sinful behavior are funny, but to Yahweh, it is an affront to His holiness. He knows what sin will and can do to a person. We just do not look at sin like Jesus does! Do you think Jesus is pleased with us toying with reoccurring sinful behavior? The Apostle Paul had said to the Corinthian believers, He made Him [Jesus] who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him (2 Cor 5:21). Why would Jesus agree to do that? It’s about a love alien to our way of thinking, But God demonstrates His own love toward us [cf. Jn 3:16; contrast Rom 5:7], in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us [Rom 5:8; cf. Rom 5:6].
One of the byproducts of spiritual regeneration [Jn 3:3; Rom 5:1] is the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us (Rom 5:5). By the gift of the Holy Spirit and spiritual regeneration, love, the agape kind, has been downloaded into our hearts a new way of love: thinking, feeling, and acting through the enablement of the Holy Spirit present within us! It is silly to ask God for help in loving the unlovely people we meet because the love of God has already been “poured out within our hearts!” We don’t pray for love; we release what is already within us with the help of God the Holy Spirit living within our hearts!
The Scripture provides guidelines on what love-thinking, love-feeling, and love-acting look like that is well-pleasing to Yahweh (2 Tim 3:16-17). How important is active love-thinking, love-feeling, love-acting in our lives? It keeps us being useful and effective in bringing glory to God (cf. 1 Cor 13:1-13). It really pays to obey! Obedience yields blessings from on high, and we know that disobedience brings correction (cf. Heb 12:5-11), right?
You and I both know that Pete and Repeat are going to hang around with us until we are out of here? If we continue doing the same thing and expecting a different result that’s straight out of Pete’s and Repeat’s playbook. Why in the world do we give energy to Dumb and Dumber? We cannot give glory to God in that state of mind. God cannot and will not work with that, but I will tell you what He will do!
Allow me to ask you what comes to mind when you hear or read the word chastisement? I think of the times my dad was whacking my fanny with a leather belt! Boy, that was some sweet communion between me and my Dad! Whenever we allow sin to get between our relationship, worship, and service to Yahweh, we might as well expect chastening for misbehavior. Satan tries to convince us that disciplinary action is detrimental to our spiritual health, but ungodly behavior produces nothing of any good. Chastening is not punishment, but a tool to deter us from sin (cf. Rom 8:28). When I disobeyed my dad, I knew the licks were coming, and his correction kept me out of future trouble. Now, discipline wasn’t any fun and tears came to my eyes (Heb 12:11), but I respected my dad more and took my responsibilities more seriously.
We can look at biblical history or at the lives of others and see that when sin is left unchecked, it invariably leads to negative outcomes. We should nip Pete and Repeat in the bud in our lives! Bye-bye to Pete and Repeat is not always comfortable, but we need to trust Yahweh in this process of being made holy before God (cf. 1 Pet 1:15-16). We sure can help ourselves out in this matter of Christlikeness if we judge sin as cancer in our lives and cut it out ourselves rather than causing the Holy Spirit to step in and perform spiritual surgery in His timing (cf. 1 Cor 11:31)?
As a matter of course, let me ask you a question. If Pete and Repeat were walking on a road and Pete fell into the ditch, who was left on the road?
When we wisely look at sin in the way Yahweh does as we read in the Scriptures, it doesn’t make us a self-righteous person, but a God-fearing believer! Bye-bye to Pete and Repeat, yes? <><